sabato 26 maggio 2012


The game of rugby
Rugby is a team sport, popular in different variants, most of the world: the United Kingdom and the United States of the former British Empire (Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, South Africa and USA, later in France, Italy, Russia, Argentina, Romania and growing popularity in  Japan, Georgia, India, Morocco, Kenya, Namibia and several other countries of Oceania and Asia.
The game of rugby is divided essentially into three major regulatory codes: rugby 15, the most common, the Rugby 13 and Rugby 7 running on 2 different federations and international organizations. It is a contact sport and fighting because the physical confrontation between players is constant and strong of the game. It's a sport very tactical . All player have to adjust to any position on the field and at any stage of the game.
Sebastien Chabal: one of the player of French training. 
(1,91m; 110 kg)
TACKLE: To stop an opponent during an action you must make a tackle. The player must take the opponent carrying the ball and accompanying him fall to the ground. If not accompanied lands foul is given.
PASSAGE: The ball must always be passed back to move the ball forward you can kick it. If the ball is passed forward, the referee blows the offside.
FORMATIONS:  There are several roles: there is a package that handles touche (throw-ins), scrum, Moul and ruck. After the package is also three-quarters that the players who open the ball to the end of the field.
The scrummage is made to play When some irregularity occurs as a forward pass.
The scrum is made ​​up of 8 players: three pillars, 2 second lines, 2 flanker scrum compact and a third line. The balloon is introduced from the scrum, which is then cast out of talloner and open the three-quarters.
THE SCORE: the goal is worth 5 points while the 2 point conversion kick. The drop kick is worth 3 points as the kick.
Curiosity: the player usually have a mass of 90-100 kg. ; 1,90-2,00 m. height. As Martìn Castrogiovanni ( the pillar of the Italian formation) with a mass of 125 kg for 186 cm.

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